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china power transformer 110kv OLTC Oil Immersed Power Transformer

china power transformer 110kv OLTC Oil Immersed Power Transformer

Our China Power Transformers are designed and manufactured in accordance with the national and international standards (IEC, IEEE, etc.) according to customer requirements at 6300 kVA and 72.5 kV voltage level and above. Power transformers have a wide range of technical characteristics such as power, voltage, regulation. Power transformers are used in electricity transmission lines, industrial plants, power generation centers and electrical internal needs.
Our chinese power transformer has a production capacity up to 800 kV voltage level up to 1000 MVA, has completed the production of 125 MVA power transformer prototype at 400 kV voltage level in 2018 with the R & D Center studies and sent to KEMA for short circuit mechanical strength test.


china power transformers are cooled by removable radiator panels. Radiators are mounted on the tank surface in various ways according to the shape of the tank. The most common types of cooling are (ONAN / ONAF), (OFAF), (ODAF), (OFWF), (ODWF). It is designed according to customer request.


The windings are formed using copper conductors. Paper-coated flat wires and CTC conductors are used as conductors. The windings are wound on vertical and horizontal machines in accordance with the design.


The boilers are designed using 2-D and 3-D CAD using the Autodesk Invertor CAD software, taking into account the ease of installation, transportation and commissioning. In expansion tanks, membranes that cut off contact with the atmosphere are used. All joints, welds and connections are checked and tested for oil leaks. Customer specifications and requests are complied with.


chinese power Transformer cores are formed with the latest technology that we have at our own facilities with low loss sheets oriented with particles.


It is an accessory used to manually adjust the stage of the MV windings when the transformer is not under load so that the transformer always outputs at the correct voltage.


It is an accessory used to automatically adjust the stage of the MV windings when the transformer is under load so that the transformer always outputs at the correct voltage value.


It is a protection relay which is used only in tank type transformers and transfers the gas formation in the transformer or transmits when the oil level is below the dangerous limit to the signal system with the contacts on it. The oil of the transformer is equipped between the expansion tank and the main transformer tank.


It is used only in tank type transformers, in case of expansion or contraction of oil, it is used to hold the moisture in the air entering or leaving the oil tank.


It is an accessory for monitoring the oil level in tank type transformers. There are two types with and without contact.


It is an accessory that provides the disposal of pressurized oil for protection of the boiler if the processing pressure of the transformer rises above the set level.


It is an accessory to monitor the oil temperature of the transformer and sends a signal to the relays if it exceeds the set temperature. It can be supplied with up to six contacts according to customers' requirements and specification requirements.

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